Tulane University Sexual Misconduct Climate Survey

In Spring 2017, Tulane University administered the ARC3 survey of sexual harassment and sexual violence campus climate and nearly half of Tulane’s students participated.

For more information on the survey, results, and Tulane’s Action Plan visit the Wave of Change website.

Unless filtered on degree level, gender, sexual orientation, and/or race/ethnicity of respondents, the results displayed represent all Tulane University student respondents. To ensure privacy and confidentiality of respondents, when data filters applied result in less than 20 respondents being represented, data will not be displayed.

Due to the small number of respondents identifying as transgender, this group was unable to be reported on separately. The number of respondents is too small for statistical analysis and potentially raises concerns of identifying respondents. Therefore, trans respondents were grouped into the gender with which they identified. For example, men and transgender men were listed as men. Students that did not identify as a binary gender identity were grouped as genderqueer/non-conforming.

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